Deeper into photography

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  • The TRICK to find EVERY blemish.
    • 8/4/24

    The TRICK to find EVERY blemish.

    Speed up your healing and cloning in Affinity Photo. When retouching a photograph, you could spend 15 minutes zooming in looking around your photo for blemishes and rogue dust spots, or you could spend 30 seconds making a one click solar-curves macro. It will save lots of editing time for every picture you touch. I’ll show you how.

  • Our perspective is WRONG! How to shake off linear perspective and see the world in new ways!

    Our perspective is WRONG! How to shake off linear perspective and see the world in new ways!

    Grab your camera - Artists have both strived to embrace, and to free themselves from the linear perspective that has been prominent in works since the renaissance. Photographers have to be really clever to side-step perspective, and in this video I'll show you how.

  • Cropping out can SAVE your photograph
    • 7/7/24

    Cropping out can SAVE your photograph

    Cropping out of a photo might be as useful as cropping in. It is a voyage into an area where pixels do not currently exist. It can change the impact of an image completely.

    In this video, we will look at why you might want to crop out of an image, composition advantages, and where to find the pixels to fill in the universe outside your picture.

    It doesn't matter if you are in Photoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, On1, Capture 1 or any other photo software.

  • The exposure triangle is a MYTH…try THIS instead

    The exposure triangle is a MYTH…try THIS instead

    The exposure triangle takes a simple concept of 3 settings that change the amount of light you capture, and makes it needlessly complicated. In this video, I'll show what we should be using as a visual aide instead of the terrible triangle, as well as show what happens if we treat the triangle as a real graph with three variables.

  • MAKE 3D IMAGES without fancy equipment! (easy stereo photo tutorial)
    • 7/7/24

    MAKE 3D IMAGES without fancy equipment! (easy stereo photo tutorial)

    3D images are fascinating to look at and surprisingly easy to make. I'll cover different methods including using only software (like Google Earth, flight simulator and ACC), one camera and a pair of cameras.

    • 7/7/24


    If your a novice or a pro, simplifying your exposure settings let’s you focus on more important things, like taking a good picture.

    The three variables of ISO shutter speed and aperture are more than we need to cope with.

    What if I said “set ISO to 400 and forget it exists”? I explain the freedom it will bring to your photography. Head to my website at and every picture you see was shot at ISO 400 without exception.

    This video shows the 6 reasons my digital AND film cameras are always set to 400.

  • Why great images can FAIL without intentional cropping
    • 7/7/24

    Why great images can FAIL without intentional cropping

    The crop of a portrait has a voice. It can make it whisper, or it can shout by changing only the position of the picture's edge. In this video, I cover reasons why, and why not to crop, useful aspect ratios and how to compose within the frame to influence the viewer.

    It doesn't matter if you are in Photoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, On1, Capture 1 or any other photo software.