
In life we don’t spend three uninterrupted minutes studying someone’s face close up.

That’s why retouching a still image is so important.

Retouching brings a portrait closer to how we remember meeting someone in person. Given these portraits are to show the best of ourselves, my goal is always to honor, not to deceive. We address distractions that take away from the true message of the picture.

There are no cheap filters, smoothing or A.I. weirdness here. I know I’ve done a great job when the viewer doesn’t notice that an image was retouched!

  • Basic Edit

    great general purpose image

    Completed on all delivered images

    Crop to desired aspect ratio

    (e.g. 8x10 for print, or square for Instagram/LinkedIn)

    Fine-tuned brightness and contrast

    Color correction

    Major blemish removal


    Delivered as JPEG, 3000 pixels on the long edge, suitable for web and large prints and large prints

  • Detailed Retouching

    for your favorite images

    Full basic edit plus:

    Clothing outline corrections

    Eye enhancement

    Teeth whitening

    Detailed skin blemish removal

    Wrinkle/under-eye softening

    Fly-away hair removal

    $50 per image

Watch my retouching process on YouTube