Speed up your healing and cloning in Affinity Photo. When retouching a photograph, you could spend 15 minutes zooming in looking around your photo for blemishes and rogue dust spots, or you could spend 30 seconds making a one click solar-curves macro. It will save lots of editing time for every picture you touch. I’ll show you how.
I have all the common public speaking problems, like using filler words. Erm. So. You know. I’m working on taming them. It's also one of the reasons this YouTube channel exists so I thought I’d share how being a YouTuber could help with making presentations and public speaking anxiety, and improve the way we communicate.
The sitter isn’t the only person benefiting from the portrait. There’s also an upside for the person behind the camera. I give a lot of myself when taking pictures, but I realize and appreciate that at the same time I'm receiving.
What do we get out of it? Well that's what this video is about. We get the valuable gifts of connection, confidence and wisdom.
Sensor size in digital cameras is fixed, but with film you can get different sized frames by using different cameras, even if you only use rolls of 35mm film. We'll explore some of these quirky cameras and the different sized images they produce.
Turns out that the oldest 12 magazines (6x6) for the Hasselblad 500 have a distinct advantage over the later automatic ones. You can start the roll a little earlier so that you can fit a 13th picture on the end of the roll.
Most of the time…
Grab your camera - Artists have both strived to embrace, and to free themselves from the linear perspective that has been prominent in works since the renaissance. Photographers have to be really clever to side-step perspective, and in this video I'll show you how.
No one wants a label, but it can be handy when you are looking for appropriate sources of information to get further ahead. I came across the term “camerist” in a photo magazine from the early 1900s. In this video we'll explore the relationships between the novices, amateurs and professionals, with a nod to the Kodakers while we are at it.
If you are lusting after a film rangefinder, you are certainly researching all you can about the M2 and M3 (if you are looking at an M5, you are awesome but we'll need to address that in another video) - but I URGE you to go further back in time and consider the Barnack Leicas. In this video I'll go over the differences between these Leica epochs, and why a Barnack might be the camera you are looking for.
Here’s how to get to grips with the digital medium format Hasselblad cfvII 50c by bolting it onto classic 500 v-series cameras, adapting it to h lenses, and using the native x-series lenses on the 907x.
As newer models of this back will inevitably bring prices down, and used backs become available, I hope more of us get the pleasure to use one of these. Even if it’s only to blow the dust off these beautiful old lenses.
Cropping out of a photo might be as useful as cropping in. It is a voyage into an area where pixels do not currently exist. It can change the impact of an image completely.
In this video, we will look at why you might want to crop out of an image, composition advantages, and where to find the pixels to fill in the universe outside your picture.
It doesn't matter if you are in Photoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, On1, Capture 1 or any other photo software.
The exposure triangle takes a simple concept of 3 settings that change the amount of light you capture, and makes it needlessly complicated. In this video, I'll show what we should be using as a visual aide instead of the terrible triangle, as well as show what happens if we treat the triangle as a real graph with three variables.
The capture clip is great for belt and bag mounts - but I wanted a single solution for camera strap and tripod mounting using the Peak Design's Capture Clip. I figured out a work-around for both situations - a strap for the clip and a way to mount a clip to a tripod head. Both are quasi-DIY solutions -neither are commercially available. In fact, the threaded mount that makes it all possible was only available on the v2 clip which has been discontinued since the introduction of the v3.
If you’d like to use the same godox/flashpoint light setup, but use two or more different cameras, this guide will show you how.
3D images are fascinating to look at and surprisingly easy to make. I'll cover different methods including using only software (like Google Earth, flight simulator and ACC), one camera and a pair of cameras.
These are the steps on how to make your negative film scans positive and easy ways to get them looking good. I cover black and white first, and then how to deal with those trickier color negatives. I'm using Lightroom and Affinity Photo for the examples.
Even if you never shoot a roll of film in your life, there's some wisdom to inhale from the simpler days of analog photography.
Just by looking at the features of mechanical cameras we can see how to cut through the noise and uncover the fundamentals of what we need to know. This isn't just making pictures, its remembering the pleasure that got you started in the first place.
If your a novice or a pro, simplifying your exposure settings let’s you focus on more important things, like taking a good picture.
The three variables of ISO shutter speed and aperture are more than we need to cope with.
What if I said “set ISO to 400 and forget it exists”? I explain the freedom it will bring to your photography. Head to my website at https://www.filnenna.com and every picture you see was shot at ISO 400 without exception.
This video shows the 6 reasons my digital AND film cameras are always set to 400.
I'll bet you aren't taking pictures just to hear the sound of the shutter. Why do you take pictures? And how will you create your best work?
Fuji, Ilford or Kodak, film gets more expensive by the hour, so you want to get as many frames on your 36 exposure roll as possible. Here's a film loading method from an 80s magazine on how to waste less, and also load faster.
Picking your first film camera? Or your 31st? No one is judging. Here is a quick-fire guide to some of my favorite film cameras ranging from 35mm to medium and large format models. I cover Rollei, Canon, Nikon (nikonos), Hasselblad, Leica, Kodak, Olympus and some more obscure cameras like the Intrepid, Mamiya folder and robot cameras.
This video is for those who want to critique the work of others AND those who will be having their own work critiqued. Critiques are not random, and they're not a free for all. Here are 5 tips to frame a quality analysis of photography and art work.
What if your tripod was this tall?! K&F (Kent Faith) sent me this unusual tripod to review, and you can use the promo code "FIL" to get an extra 10% off on their website: https://bit.ly/3sCGalN . This particular tripod is the KF09.086.
The crop of a portrait has a voice. It can make it whisper, or it can shout by changing only the position of the picture's edge. In this video, I cover reasons why, and why not to crop, useful aspect ratios and how to compose within the frame to influence the viewer.
It doesn't matter if you are in Photoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, On1, Capture 1 or any other photo software.