5 tips on how to critique or judge photos & art using 500 year old advice.

How do you deal with criticism? I was researching criticism to prepare for a competition I was judging last month, and found this gem in Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks:

“…while a person is painting they ought not to shrink from hearing every opinion. Therefore be curious to hear with patience the opinion of others, consider and weigh well whether those who find fault have ground or not for blame, and, if so amend; but, if not make as though you had not heard, or if they should be a person you esteem show them by argument the cause of their mistake.”

We need the character to listen to all of our critics, but the wisdom to know who's criticism is worth acting on.

Check out my YouTube channel to explore further how Da Vinci thinks you should give and receive criticism.


Boston and beyond! Business portraits on location 


Portrait lighting workshop in Marblehead